International scientific-practical conference "Cryosphere and related hazards in High Mountain Asia in a changing climate."

Almaty                                                                                                             November 1-4, 2022


November 1-4, 2022 in Almaty at the InterContinental Almaty Hotel, st. Zheltoksan, 181, was held international scientific-practical conference "Cryosphere and related hazards in High Mountain Asia in a changing climate."

Conference organizers: UNESCO, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH), ICIMOD, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Central Asian Regional Glaciological Centre.

The purpose of the conference, the status and number of participated scientists reflect the importance, significance and determine the actuality of cryosphere research in the modern world and, in particular, in Central Asia. In the near future, this region is expected to experience a high pressure to glacial systems due to climate change, population growth, urbanization, economic development and technological progress, including from the perspective of water security.

The lack of fresh water, one of the sources of which is glaciers, has become one of the causes of international tension in recent years. This increases the risk of regional water conflicts. Under these conditions, the vital nature of fresh water is incentive for cooperation and dialogue, and contributes to the peace, security and stability of the countries of the Central Asian region. Global and regional climate change, accelerated melting of glaciers and reduction in their area, as well as the dangers associated with this, intensive economic activity in transboundary basins, water scarcity in the Central Asian region are causing an increase in social-economic problems.

This conference provided an opportunity for scientists from different countries to share and exchange best practices, promote collective learning, better solve common problems, and promote sustainable communities and sustainable development. One of the important points was the required participation in research, practice and political dialogue of the youth of the region, for the further possibility of managing the risks associated with changes in the cryosphere in the future.

About 200 people took part in the work of the Conference - leaders of the water sector of the economy of the Central Asian countries, representatives of international organizations and experts from many countries of the world.


The conference was held in 8 sessions:

1. Monitoring of glaciers and changes in the cryosphere of high mountain Asia.

2. Changes in runoff from the cryosphere.

3. Glacial hazards, lakes and outburst floods.

4. Permafrost.

5. Snow cover changes and avalanches.

6. Cryosphere, climate change and sustainable development.

7. Exploring partnerships and opportunities for joint initiatives.

8. "Central Asian Regional Glaciological Centre" category 2 under the auspices of UNESCO"

The participants of the session "Central Asian Regional Glaciological Centre" category 2 under the auspices of UNESCO (hereinafter referred to as the Centre), representatives of UNESCO and Central Asian countries discussed issues of cooperation and joint research in glaciology, mountain hydrology, geocryology, risk assessment of destructive natural phenomena, etc.

The participants noted that the cooperation and dialogue of scientists contribute to peace, security and stability of the countries of the Central Asian region. The work of the conference is aimed at achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal, namely Goal 6: Ensuring the availability and sustainable use of water and sanitation for all.

The establishment of the Centre under the auspices of UNESCO in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty was recognized as timely and important for solving these problems. Representatives of UNESCO and the Central Asian countries, international organizations, experts who spoke at the Session noted the need and relevance of cooperation on the targets of the Centre.

As part of the conference, field sessions were held along two routes: Ulken Almaty River valley (60 participants) and Kishi Almaty River valley (120 participants).


Contacts for more information:

LLP "Central Asian Regional Glaciological Centre (category 2) under the auspices of UNESCO



050010, Almaty,  Pushkin st.,99


+7(727)2918129, +7(727)2911625 





Nov. 21, 2022