VILESOV YEVGENIY NIKOLAEVICH ( 4.08. 1932 – 8.12.2017)

Yevgeniy Nikolaevich Vilesov – professor, Doctor in Geography, glaciologist, one of the leading glaciologists of Kazakhstan and former USSR.  He worked in the Instotute of Geography since 1957. On the Tuyuksu Glacier in 5 boreholes   took 85 thousand measurements of ice temperature; in 1962  for the first time in world practice, he drilled ice to a depth of 10 m at the highest mountain peaks, including Talgar Peak. Studied the properties of snow and ice at the Medeo skating rink. Participant of 3 wintering on the glacier and 45 field expeditions. He studied the spatio-temporal fluctuations of large glacial systems, the dynamics of mass balance and glacial runoff, was engaged in forecasting the state and size of glaciers in the future.
 At the department of physical geography of the Kazakh National University, under the guidance of Ye.N. Vilesov, hundreds of term papers were defended, more than 100 theses and master's theses were prepared, as well as two Ph.D. theses. The scientific student works which he supervised have won first places in all-Union and republican competitions.


«Contemporary glaciations of Kazakhstan Altai», 1969

«Evolution of contemporary glaciations of Zailiiskiy Alatau in ХХ cent.», 2001 (co-author V. Uvarov)

«Physical Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan » with co-authors

«Current problems of glaciology», tutorial

 «Climatic conditions of Almaty», 2010

 «Glaciation of the Dzhungarskiy Alatau: past, present, future», 2013 (with co-authors)

 «Basics of glacier studies», 2015, tutorials