Pal’gov Nikolai Nikitich (27.11 (9.12) 1889 -  2.06.1971)

Nikolai Nikitich Pal’gov  –academician of the Academy of Sci. Kazakh SSR, professor, glaciologist, the Head of the Sector of Geography (1945-1970). He worked as road worker, rafter, fisherman, topographer, surveyor.  In 1922 he started studies of the Tuyuksu glaciers on assignment of Geographical Society.  He conducted instrumental observations on the glaciers located in the upstreams of Big Almatinka River, Chilik in Zailiiskiy Alatau, completed a description of glaciers in the Kokshaaltau and Terskey Alatau ridges in the Southern Tien Shan, where he discovered large (unknown) glacial nodes. N.N. Pal’gov studied relations between meteorological factors and glacier dynamics. Under his leadership the Sector of Geography in  1956 became contributor in the International Geophysics Year in Glaciology and also conducted research of the natural resources of Kazakhstan. He was a member of many scientific unions.  Great merits of N.N. Pal’gov, his selfless activity were marked by the assignment of his name to the glaciers in the Kokshaaltau ridges, in the Zailiyskiy Alatau and in the Polar Urals.


Main publications:

«Ice-fed rivers of the Zailiiskiy Alatau Range», 1948;

«The nature of Kazakhstan in essays and pictures»,  1950; 

«Glaciers of the Little Almatinka valley in Zailiiskiy Alatau Range», 1956;  

«Contemporary glaciations in the Zailiiskiy Alatau», 1958;

«Rivers of Kazakhstan», 1959;

«Glaciation of the Zailiiskiy Alatau», 1969

«Life of one glacier», 1970.