Laboratory of Mountain Cryosphere Monitoring
Glaciological research began in the Sector Geography in 1938 under the leadership of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR N.N. Palgov. Glaciological research in Kazakhstan was developed during the period of work under international programs: International Geophysical Year - IGY (1957/58), International Hydrological Decade - IHD (1965-1974) and Intergovernmental Hydrological Program of UNESCO (since 1975).

Main directions of the scientific research:
- monitoring of the development of the cryosphere components of the runoff formation zone (snow cover, glaciers, underground ice);
- evolution of glaciation as a response to climate change;
- modern and forecasting dynamics of glaciosphere components;
- dangerous natural phenomena, genetically determined by the change in the conditions of the glaciosphere components;
- changes in the conditions of the glaciosphere and permafrost components in the hydrological regime and in the formation of regional water resources.
Currently, the laboratory employs 11 employees, including 1 head of laboratory, 2 researchers, 1 junior research worker, 4 leading engineers and 3 technicians.

Expeditionary and field researches
The experimental base of the laboratory consists of 3 mountain stations in the Northern Tien Shan with a complex of year-round observations: glaciological "Tuiyksu Glacier" in the basin of Kishi Almaty river at the altitude of 3500 m; hydrophysical "Big Almaty Lake" and geocryological "Zhosaly-Kezen" in the basin of Ulken Almaty river at the altitude of 2500 and 3400 m respectively. At the Tuiyksu Glacier station the year-round observations of the components of the mass balance of the Tuiyksu glacier are conducted. The observations data is annually submitted to the World Glacier Monitoring Service. At the Zhosaly-Kezen station the monitoring of the temperature regime of permafrost grounds is carried out and the impact of climatic changes on their condition is studied.

3 mountain stations in the Northern Tien Shan with a complex of year-round observations: glaciological "Tuiyksu Glacier"; hydrophysical "Big Almaty Lake" and geocryological "Zhosaly-Kezen"

Determination of the maximum snow volume in the runoff formation zone

Drilling and installing of accumulation-ablation stakes on Tuiyksu and Manshuk Mametova glaciers
Drilling and installing of stakes on glaciers. Replacement of wooden stakes after melting. There are 115 stakes on the Tuiyksu glacier. There are 10 stakes on the Manshuk Mametova glacier.

Geodetic works in the glacial-nival zone of Ile Alatau and Zhetysu Alatau

Conducting bathymetric surveys of high-mountains lakes in order to determine the main morphometric characteristics

Aerial survey of high-mountain mudflow hazardous lakes