Makarevich Konstantin Grigorievich   (25.01.1922-17.06.2017)

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Konstantin  Grigorievich Makarevich – one of the leading glaciologists of Kazakhstan and former USSR.  Participant of the II World War, climber, candidate of geographical sciences, for 60 years worked at the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Founder and head of the Tuyuksu glaciological station, one of the authors of the patent for the Medeo skating rink. He studied the influence of climatic factors on glaciers; balance of the mass of glaciers; spatial changes of glaciers; glacial runoff. He paid great attention to the methods of observation over glaciers. Studied surging glaciers. For over 20 years he was the official representative of the USSR in the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS). Organizer and participant of the international symposia, editor of the books on geography and glaciology of Kazakhstan.


Brief bibliography:

«Exploration of the upstreams of the Issyk valley», 1952

«Glaciation of Zailiiskiy Alatau», 1969 (co-author)

«Tuyuksu Glacier», 1985

«Glaciation of the Tien-Shan», 1997 (co-author)

«A comparison of three methods of mass-balance determination in the Tuyuksu glacier region, Tien Shan, Central Asia», 2004 (with W.Hagg, L.Braun, V. Uvarov)

«Methodical aspects of the study of mass-balance and fluctuations of mountain glaciers », 2007

«Photoatlas of the glaciers of the Ile Alatau», 2013

He compiled 8 maps in the Atlas of World Snow and Ice Resources  (1997), National Atlas of Kazakhstan

( 2006). Author of more 200 scientific papers, monographs,  regional and autobiographical books and essays