Tokmagambetov Ganibek Askarovich (2.06. 1932-24.04.1992)

Ganibek Askarovich Tokmagambetov – geophysicist, glaciologist, candidate of geographical sci. In 1966-1983 worked as a Head of the Sector of Geography, and in 1983 became a Director of the Institute of Geography.  For many years he was elected the Chairman of the Geographical Society of Kazakhstan. He worked on glaciers of all mountain systems of the country. He studied the physical, mechanical and thermophysical properties of snow, firn, ice, processes of accumulation and transformation of ice on glaciers. Many years he studied interaction between climate and glaciation, current state of glaciation, structure of snow and ice of glaciers. He actively participated in the big scientific programs: development of prognostic methods for glacial mudflows, compilation of the Catalog of glaciers of the USSR. He compiled maps for the Atlas of the World Snow and Ice Resources (2006). He is Laureate of the Ch. Valikhanov.


«Wind regime and redistribution of snow in nival-glacial zone of the Zailiiskiy Alatau », 1968 (co-author Sudakov P.A.)

«Structure of firn and ice in accumulation zone of glaciers in the south-east part of the Chilik-Kemin mountain knot», 1969 (co-author Sudakov P.A. )

«Runoff from the glaciers in the Big Almatinka basin », 1971 (with co-authors)

 «Glaciers of the Zailiiskiy Alatau», 1976 

«Mystery of natural ice of Kazakhstan», 1978

«Calculation and prognosis of the distribution and regime of mountain glaciers», 1985 (co-author Erasov N.)

«Көшпелі  мұз селдері», 1985