On May 21, 2024, a regular meeting of the main governing body of the LLP "Central Asian Regional Glaciological Centre of Category 2 under the auspices of UNESCO", the Board of Governors, was held in Almaty. 

The Board of Governors includes representatives of Kazakhstan - Vice-chairman of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Bibosynov Asylkhan Zhanibekovich - Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Centre, Representative of the Director General of UNESCO - 2.        Piric Amir, Director of the UNESCO Regional Office in Almaty, as well as representatives of the states of the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan , Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

At the meeting of the Board of Governors, the following were considered and approved: report on the activities of the Centre and report on financial and economic activities for 2023, work plan and budget for 2024.

Director of the Centre prof. Balykbayev T.O. noted in the report that the Centre’s activities were carried out on a wide range of problems and tasks - from monitoring of the cryosphere (snow cover, glaciers, ground ice) on the basis of three high-mountain stations in Ile Alatau with an annual report of the results of monitoring the Tuiyksu glacier mass balance  to the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS, Switzerland) - to the successful joint expedition of specialists from the participating countries of the Centre with the support of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) within the framework of the Green Central Asia Program and participation of Centre employees in numbers of regional and international scientific conferences and workshops, including the Global Summit on Climate (Dubai, December 2023) with presentations and a number of interviews to media representatives. A number of problematic issues in the activities of the Centre were also noted.


Мамыр 21, 2024