Александр Борисович Егоров
Руководитель отдела, Отдел внешних связей и информации
Email: Yegorov.Alexandr@mail.ru
+7 705 218 9904, +7 705 218 9904
Направления научной деятельности: гляциология, опасные процессы
Районы работ: Иле Алатау, Жетысу Алатау
Избранные публикации (не более десяти):
1. Bolch, T., Peters, J., Yegorov, A., ...Buchroithner, M., Blagoveshchensky, V. Identification of potentially dangerous glacial lakes in the northern Tien Shan // Natural Hazards, Springer-Verlag GmbH // Volume 59, Issue 3// P.1691–1714, Heidelberg 2011;
2. Bolch, T., Peters, J., Yegorov, A., ...Buchroithner, M., Blagoveshchensky, V. Identification of potentially dangerous glacial lakes in the northern Tien Shan // Conference proceedings: “Climate changes and natural hazards in mountains areas”, Urumqi, 2011
3. Bolch, T., Peters, J., Yegorov, A., ...Buchroithner, M., Blagoveshchensky, V. Terrigenous Mass Movements, Detection, Modelling, Early Warning and Mitigation Using Geoinformation Technology, 2012, pages: 369-398 (Identification of Potentially Dangerous Glacial Lakes in the Northern Tian Shan), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25495-6_12// Springer Berlin Heidelberg//2012;
4. Yegorov. A. Physical Geography: Russian-German, German-Russian dictionary//Institute of Geography of Ministry of Education and Sciences//Almaty//2012;
5. Kogutenko L., Kokarev A., Yegorov A. Cataloguing of glaciers of the river basins Koksu Aan Kyunes (Chinese part of Ile River Basin) by materials of space monitoring // PAGES of 4th Open Science Meeting // Goa, India // 2013;
6. Kokarev A., Yegorov A., Severskiy I. Change of glacial systems of Kazakhstan // PAGES of 4th Open Science Meeting // Goa, India // 2013;
7. Severskiy I., Yegorov. A. Degradation of glaciation of Kazakhstan for the last half a century // International conference on climate change, water resources & disasters in mountainous regions // Kathmandu // Nepal, 2013
8. Kokarev A., Kogutenko L., Severskiy I. and Yegorov A. Glacier degradation in the Pskem and Chatkal river basins (Western Tien-Shan). Abstract of Third International Conference on Mountain Hydrology for the Sustainable Development. 10-11 April 2017, Kathmandu, Nepal. p. 91.
9. Willem Toonen; Mark Macklin; Giles Dawkes; Julie A Durcan; Maxim Leman; Yevgeniy Nikolayev; Alexandr Yegorov. A hydromorphic re-evaluation of the forgotten river civilizations of Central Asia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), December 2020, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2009553117